Dorset College Dublin

Dorset College Dublin

Course description 3D Modelling & Animation Level 5 (+Introduction to Game Design) Is for individuals who are… Interested in 3D...

 Computers and IT /  Dublin City / 821 views

Dorset College Dublin

Dorset College Dublin

Course description Is for individuals who are… Interested in achieving the QQI Accounting, Manual and Computerised Level 5 Award and...

 Business and Accounting /  Dublin City / 755 views

Dorset College

Dorset College Dublin

Interested in gaining the practical skills, knowledge, and understanding of Predictive Data Analytics and the role it plays in assisting...

 Computers and IT /  Dublin City / 741 views

Dorset College

Dorset College Dublin

Interested in achieving the CIPD Certificate in Human Resource Practice (CHRP) and gain the practical skills, knowledge, and understanding in...

 Management /  Dublin City / 718 views

Dorset College Dublin

Dorset College Dublin

This evening course provides the knowledge, skills and aptitudes for the role and responsibilities of a Special Needs Assistant when...

 Childcare /  Dublin City / 713 views

Dorset College Dublin

Dorset College Dublin

This evening course is aimed at those interested in learning the key skills required to work in a professional manner...

 Management /  Dublin City / 710 views

Dorset College Dublin

Dorset College Dublin

For those interested in learning about best practice and the strategies for using digital marketing and social media in business...

 Computers and IT /  Dublin City / 656 views

Dorset College